Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility
Apex is committed to Health, Safety and Security-Environmental, Social and Governance (HSS-ESG) awareness and responsibility in all aspects of our business and in the areas and communities where we are located. The health, safety and security of our employees and the communities in which we operate are of paramount importance and a critical part of our business. We believe that no activity is too important that it cannot be carried out safely and no activity should present an unacceptable risk to human life or the environment. This commitment involves both corporate and personal involvement to ensure that all our activities are conducted in a safe, sustainable, secure and responsible manner.

Corporate Responsibility
Apex is committed to Health, Safety and Security-Environmental, Social and Governance (HSS-ESG) awareness and responsibility in all aspects of our business and in the areas and communities where we are located. The health, safety and security of our employees and the communities in which we operate are of paramount importance and a critical part of our business. We believe that no activity is too important that it cannot be carried out safely and no activity should present an unacceptable risk to human life or the environment. This commitment involves both corporate and personal involvement to ensure that all our activities are conducted in a safe, sustainable, secure and responsible manner.

We have developed HSS-ESG policies together with a Code of Conduct and a detailed set of business principles to guide our activities and communicate our expectations to stakeholders, business partners and in the communities where we are located. All employees, contractors and directors participate in annual compliance training in regard to the Code of Conduct, anti-bribery, antitrust, conflicts of interest, harassment and privacy and information security. In addition, our Board of Directors has established an HSS-ESG Committee charged with providing active and visual HSS-ESG leadership, establishing HSS-ESG policies, confirming that annual HSS-ESG KPIs and targets are in place and reviewing performance quarterly, and adopting appropriate correction and mitigation and control actions. For more information on our Company policies, please visit the links below.