Apex currently has interests in two operated exploration concessions, Southeast Meleiha and East Siwa (combined 535,665 acres, 2165 km2). We also have 25% non-operated interest in one additional exploration concession, South West Meleiha (346,240 acres, 1400 km2). We have identified leads and prospects in all of these concessions, as well as in our development leases. Oil, condensate and gas prospectivity lies within multiple stratigraphic levels and the total un-risked upside resource is approximately 750 MMBOE.

Our 3D seismic acquisition and exploratory drilling in Southeast Meleiha has resulted in five discoveries, and we plan to drill more exploration wells using these data sets in 2023-24. We currently have a two-well commitment in the East Siwa concession (50% interest).
In East Siwa and South West Meleiha, we are partnered with IEOC Production B.V., a unit of Italian integrated energy company Eni S.p.A., the leading exploration and production company in Egypt.